Three non-supermarket reds There are alternatives to buying wine at supermarkets. Here, I have looking at one bought from a local market, and two from John. John is listed in the ‘Where to buy’ section as an independent ...
Boulogne Christmas Fair In December, they have a long weekend Christmas Fair in the old town part of Boulogne. It is normally around the same time each year. In 2018 it was weekend of Friday 14th to Sunday 16th December.A ...
Wine temperatures and a wine thermometer What is the best temperature to serve wine?Everyone knows that one serves whites chilled and not reds.However I often find that whites just out of the fridge are too cold.I had this confirmed when ...
Some recommended whites Before I get to the tasting and reviews of these wines, a quick reminder about what this site is about.The only real way to learn about wines is to taste them. Obviously when I go to France, there are ...
Some Rosés Reviewing some rosés, with Phil and Johny. Firstly, thanks to Johny, a he did so much great work on my websites. If you are wanting a great good value website, then look at also ...
Some Whites Looking at some whites, mainly Chardonnays. It is also good to learn some French through wine bottles.For example, ‘Moelleux’ means ‘Sweet’, so if you don’t like sweet wine, then keep an eye out ...
Mainly Bordeaux When I started buying wine in Boulogne, I often bought Bordeaux. These seemed like good value. So I have started my wine tasting with four bought in France. I then added a Bordeaux bought in the ...
Hosting a wine tasting evening A good way to do wine tasting is to invite some friends for a wine tasting evening. It makes for a good evening, and better than tasting on your own. There are several articles that you can find ...