Firstly, a quick word about why I buy French wine. It is not because I am snobbish about ‘new world’ or UK wines. It is just that when I am in France, they are cheaper, as there is no costs of importing the wines from another country. And as I am in France a lot, I have the opportunity to bulk buy. Before I went there so often, and bought in the UK, I often bought some Chilean wines that I thought good value. When I was in a Lebanese restaurant, I tried a Lebanese wine, and was very impressed with it. Also the UK now does some good wines too, (normally white wines).
So when I was staying in Florida, I was not going to pay for the cost of importing French wine, when I am sure that there are some good Californian wines at much better prices.
So shopping in a Winn-Dixie in Delray, mainly to buy roast beef and coleslaw. (They do really good cold roast beef cut to order from their deli counter, and freshly made coleslaw, not too sweet). Then to the wine section. (Interestingly in America, they do not sell liquor, such as vodka or gin in the supermarkets. You have to go to a separate store, usually next door. But they do sell wine in the supermarket).
Wines in America are more expensive than in France, probably about the same as in the UK. But there are deals to be found. For example, in Winn-Dixie, I saw a BOGOF offer on wine from a company called ‘The Naked Grape’. Typically $9.99 a bottle, comes to $5 if buying two. And you could mix and match, so bought one Pinot Grigio, and one Chardonnay.
Also including reviews from, where online wine purchases can be made.
The Naked Grape Pinot Grigio
- The Naked Grape
- Californian Pinot Grigio
- $9.99 at Winn-Dixie, but only $5 when buying on a two for one deal.
- $7.49 from

Aroma: Pleasant and subtle.
Taste: Nice and refreshing, very slightly sweet. Easy to drink. (Maybe a bit too easy, possibly a bit bland).
Aroma: A nice pleasant aroma.
Taste: light and pleasant. Not bland or too sweet, pleasant, agrees with ‘refreshing’).
California- A crisp, refreshing light-bodied white wine with aromas and flavors of pear and Meyer lemon. Pair with pesto, chicken pasta dishes or dishes heavily seasoned with herbs.
Total Wine
The Naked Grape Chardonnay
- The Naked Grape
- Californian Chardonnay
- $9.99 at Winn-Dixie, but only $5 when buying on a two for one deal.
- $6.79 from
Aroma: Less subtle and slightly more sour than the Pinot Grigio. (Some might say stronger and prefer it).
Taste: A little bit thinner. A slight sharpness/sourness, still good, but preferred the Pinot Grigio.
Both aroma and taste, not as nice as the Pinot Grigio. Drier, still pleasant.
California- A smooth and crisp medium-bodied white wine with fresh flavors and aromas of pineapple and peach. It’s a great match for salads, chicken, pork, soft cheeses and seafood.
Total wine
William Wright Chardonnay
Price unknown, as this was in the house lying around. Tasted for comparison. Interestingly not listed on
We both tried this on another day, so could not make a ‘same day’ taste comparison, and we did not make specific notes. We did both quite liked this wine, but we both preferred the Chardonnay from The Naked Grape.
Paul and Ellen
It was interesting to compare both the Chardonnay and the Pinot Grigio from The Naked Grape, and both Chardonnay’s from two different winemakers.
Firstly, comparing the two from the Naked Grape. How much is just to to a personal preference for either a Pinot Grigio or a Chardonnay. Do I have a preference? . Not yet, but judging from the tasting of the two I did in Florida, I have a slight preference for Pinot Grigio.
I will have to taste some more of each when I next buy in France (going next week). I will keep you posted.
Interesting to note that, on the site, the Pinot Grigio is slightly more expensive. (We did not know this when we both agreed that this was slightly nicer).
Secondly, comparing the two Chardonnays, we both preferred the one from The Naked Grape. A bit of googling on the William Wright price and I reckon between $5 to $8, depending on where you buy it. It is still a reasonable buy.
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